Mission & Vision
Chaparral Middle School will be recognized as a student centered middle school focused on excellence. All students will have the opportunity to experience success in their academic, physical, and emotional endeavors. Chaparral will graduate life long learners who are literate, culturally sensitive, morally responsible, and prepared to be leaders of the future.

Children will always be the primary focus Chaparral Middle School, and the educational program will promote excellence in student growth, development, and performance. Active parent involvement will be encouraged and recognized as a key to student success. The natural link between school and community will be strengthened through mutual understanding, respect, ongoing, open communication and participation.

Chaparral Middle School will develop visionary educational programs that are responsive and sensitive to the diverse needs and interests of all students. Instruction will evolve from the core curriculum and will be enriched by a comprehensive elective program. Through collaborative partnerships with parents, community groups, and civic organizations, chaparral will create learning communities that support and challenge each child’s academic pursuits. Students with special need will receive services imperative for their success.

The curriculum at Chaparral Middle School will be thematic, rigorous, and authentic. Instruction will be interdisciplinary and include a variety of strategies and assessment. Through innovation, flexibility, and technology, learning will happen everywhere. Students, staff, parents, and community will work together to assist children in understanding and succeeding in real-world experiences. As it successfully prepares students for tomorrow, Chaparral will use the eyes of the children as windows to envision the future.