Band Parents

Chaparral band parents are active in helping create a successful program! I can say without hesitation that Chaparral band parents are one of the most active parent groups on our campus!!!!! We have several events designed to raise funds to supplement our regular program and we would love to utilize your talents and interests! Please browse this site for ways that you can help out. You will find sign up sheets for concerts, phone tree and communication, field trips, fund raising activities, classroom help, chaperones, and donations. Surely, you will find a way that you can participate!!
Our first meeting of the year will be on the following dates:
August 26, 6:00 p.m. Bandroom. Wind Ensemble parents only..
August 26, 7:00 p.m. Bandroom. All band parents welcome except for Wind Ensemble Parents.
Please read the band handbook on this page with your child. Then, print the last page, fill it out, sign and date it and return it. Your child will receive credit for doing this.Your child will also need to turn in the signed grading policy that they received in class. It is also available on this site under "important documents" and on google classroom.

-----Mrs. Schroerlucke