Michael Miller » Catalina Chaperones

Catalina Chaperones

Live Scan Update!  If you still have not completed your live scan, please do so as soon as possible.  It doesn't take long to do, but the results can take some time.  
Live Scan is available at the district office, but does not need to be done there.  If it is more convenient you can do it at many UPS stores and other places.  You will just need to download and print the document from the documents below and use that when completing the process.  I have been told to remind them that you are getting both, DOJ and FBI clearance.  It is on the paperwork, but sometimes it gets missed.
The cost of getting live-scanned at the district office is $66.24 (the cost varies at other locations).  You can call Julie Jones at the district office:  (909) 595-1261 x 31340 to set up an appointment (any weekday 8:15 AM to 4:15 PM).  No cash or personal checks are accepted, but you can pay with credit card, ATM, or electronically.  
Hello 7th Grade Catalina Camp Parent Chaperones!
If you originally signed up to be a chaperone, but did not attend the Chaperone Meeting on Monday, March 25th, please email me as soon as possible.   We checked forms and the status of everyones' clearances.  We also went over what chaperones will be doing the day of departure, May 20th. 6 AM.  Download and print the Chaperone Departure Notes Below.
You can also find information about volunteering here: