Counseling & Guidance » Academic Honesty Policy

Academic Honesty Policy

Cheating is simply defined as using the work or ideas of others as your own. Some examples of cheating include: 
  • Submitting internet data as your own original work. 
  • Copying from printed sources such as encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers where no credit is given to the author of the article. 
  • Having others do your work for you and sharing your work with others. 
  • Unauthorized talking during a test situation. 
  • Using cheat sheets or unauthorized supplemental notes in test situations. 
  • Looking at others work. 
  • Copying homework assignments from another student. 
  • Forgery. 
The consequences for cheating are as follows: 
1 st Offense: Zero on assignment, parent call & referral 
2 nd Offense: All of the above including detentions & a Performance Contract 
3 rd Offense: Suspension 
4 th Offense: Meeting with the Assistant Principal